- I don't believe he's honest. He lied about the 2500 troops in Afghanistan, he's lying about all kinds of stuff. He was a dishonest plagiarizer 35 years ago, he's a liar now.
- I don't believe he's mentally competent.
- I don't believe he has the energy the job requires. He's a tired old man.
- I don't believe he projects the image needed for diplomacy in the US's best interests (which I don't believe are his puppet master's interests, anyway).
- I don't believe he's a leader who can get us through a crisis. In the Marines we'd talk about leaders we'd follow anywhere. I wouldn't follow Joe into a convenience store to buy a candy bar.
- I don't like how he's handling issues (well not him, the puppet masters who make him dance and talk): Covid is worse numerically, not better. The Afghanistan withdrawal was a disaster, the border is a mess, the economy is faltering, on and on and on.
- I don't like his advisors, their vision of America is a polar opposite of my own. Under Puppet Biden the US will decline. It's happening now.
- I don't believe he gives a damn about me or other middle and upper middle class voters at all, not a rat's ass.
Random thoughts on day to day life, mostly news and politics, but you name it.
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Saturday, October 2, 2021
No Mean Tweets 10-2-2021
Thursday, September 30, 2021
Bucket List Dream Trips - 9-30-2021
I'm 64 years old. There are things I still want to do in the way of travel. I'll call these my "Bucket List Dream Trips'. In no specific order:
1. Pacific Northwest -
I want to hit the US National Parks in Washington: Mount Ranier, Olympic, and North Cascades. On the same trip I want to explore Vancouver Island, including beautiful Victoria, and take the train from Vancouver to Whistler, B.C.
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Victoria, British Columbia, Canada |
Acadia National Park in Maine, visit Wild Bill while there, then north across the border to Cape Breton and Halifax. A ferry to St. John's Island would be an awesome add-on, but maybe that's a little much.
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Cape Breton Highlands National Park, Canada |
Bryce Canyon, Zion, Canyonlands, Capital Reef, and Arches. Throw in North Rim of the Grand Canyon, Horsehoe Bend, Black Canyon of the Gunnison, and Santa Fe, NM. A 3-4 week adventure.
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Arches National Park, Utah |
Wrangell-Elias, Katmai, Kenai Fjiords, Lake Clark National Parks. This one seems the biggest and the hardest. It's furthest away, covers the most miles from start to finish, and probably requires small plane transportation to at least one or two. This trip would be my biggest "dream trip".
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Wrangell-Elias National Park, Alaska |
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
A Good Man in the Brig and A Puppet in the Oval - 9-29-2021
It would be kinda fun to see the President, Secretary of Defense, and top military brass coming unwound the way they did if not for the fact that the USMC LtCol who is the guy told us the truth about the Afghanistan is in the brig awaiting his court marshal. Was he out of order for speaking (the truth) out of turn? Absolutely. He's already lost his command, resigned his commission and lost his military retirement, and been given psychological evaluations.
Tuesday, September 28, 2021
CCP Virus thoughts from Matty P 9-28-2021
CCP Virus thoughts from Matty P:
Wednesday, March 3, 2021
3/3/2021 - Back From Self-Imposed Exile
Fuck the left. I mean, seriously. I never advocated violence or an insurgency, or any other violent or destructive act. In 2020 I watched Antifa and Black Lives Matter riot almost 300 different times in cities across the country. I not only never rioted, I never attended any rally or gathering that had any violence of any kind. But the Liberal leftist scumbags of Twitter purged me along with many, many other outspoken conservatives. See, being and outspoken conservative was deemed dangerous and harmful by a bunch of lunatic, leftist, scumbag, fascists in Silicone Valley.
Lemme tell you how I think they got me. There was a Mitt Romney parody account. And fake Mitt says (in a tweet), What would you like to say to me? Remember, it is NOT Mitt, it is a clearly labeled parody account. My reply was "Eat shit and die! LOL" The LOL was included. First I was suspended, I deleted the offending tweet, was reinstated, but in the purge I was subsequently permanently banned for it. Voices like mine, deemed dangerous by "who the fuck appointed you arbiters of speech" scumbags in California. The worst part is Twitter was the primary outlet for my blog posts. Secondary was Parler, but the lefties squashed Parler, too. But I digress. Maybe not, as Twitter is the left and that's what I'm ranting against.
I'm not just mad at Twitter and the left, though. I am truly struggling with my relationship with the GOP. The special election for two Senate seats in GA in January illustrates my difference with the GOP elite establishment perfectly. Their contention is that Trump caused those seats to be lost because he was contesting the results of the November election. Mitch McConnell and the rest of the GOP scumbag insiders would like you to believe that. Bullshit. Mitch threw the Senate majority to the Democrats by blocking Trump's $2000 stimulus in favor of $600. Even if I stipulate that the $2000 was a bad idea, and contrary to conservative principle, which I think it was, it was a loser politically. A total loser. And the funny thing is, by undermining Trump's desired $2000, he cost the seats, the Democrats won the majority and they're going to do $2000 anyway. Well, $1400, as we already got $600 of it. I blame Mitch for all that. Screw him.
Then, after the sham of a second impeachment, Mitch made comments which signaled to me he was trying to kill any future political aspirations Trump might have. I'm not completely sold on Trump 2024, but I am 100% sure I will NOT support GOP establishment 2024. Not a chance. I will no longer contribute to the RNC in any way. If I find a GOP candidate worthy of my financial support, I will either find a way to support him or her directly and cut the RNC out completely, or I won't contribute at all. If there's a chance one cent of my money will go to McConnell, Romney, etc., I'll keep it on my wallet. Fuck them.
One last thing in this first rant back from a short hiatus. President Joe Biden is a terrible president and was a really bad choice. He is a shell of his former self (whose policies I didn't like in his prime), controlled by special interests, foreign interests, and the power wielded by the leftist scum who control the Democratic Party in 2021.
OK. Got to go. I'm headed out to find a collection of Dr. Zeuss books for my granddaughter.
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
1/13/2021 Good Ol' Matty P's Pissed
Well, friends. They've impeached him again. I'm not sure that what I have to say tonight will be well thought out, convincing, or even coherent. Bottom line is, I'm pissed and I'm going to blow off a little steam here, and about a bunch of stuff.
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On Jan. 6, 2021 the Electoral College elected Joe Biden 46th President og the USA. Rioters desecrated the US Capital in a display of recklessness and stupidity. |
So, first up, the election, it's aftermath, and the riot in Washington, D.C. on January 6th. The whole goddamned election didn't feel right to me. The way they stopped counting, the vote swapping, the vote dumps, the whole thing smelled fishy to me. Still does. But the powers that be stood their ground, and none of the legal contests challenging the outcome were successful. Cheating may have happened, but it wasn't proven, END OF STORY. Be pissed off about it, same as me? Great.
President Trump made the biggest blunder of his presidency by encouraging people to show up in D.C. on January 6th, the day the Electoral College meets to elect the president. Had he called for the assembly on the 4th or even the 5th, to show solidarity and support for a full airing of facts related to the election, that would have been one thing. But by calling for it on the 6th, he blundered. Badly. Many of you may disagree with that. That's OK. But I don't think you're looking at the whole scenario and all its ramifications. Electoral College Day isn't a day, per se, not like Election Day or Inauguration Day. But what unfolds on Electoral College Day is at the core of our republic's democratic principles. When I heard that he called for people to converge on D.C. on the 6th to "Stop the Steal" my immediate thought, long before the events of the 6th, was: "Nothing good can come from it." I wasn't wrong. And listen up, lefty douchebags: Trump blundered and nothing good can come from it was my own read on it. But he didn't call for what happened to happen. No he didn't. Shut the fuck up with that bullshit. Trump should have conceded no later than Jan 4thn or 5th. And if he's sitting on all this evidence, should have released it.
And you on the right: yes, there WERE reports of a busload, maybe more Antifa scumbags showing up to cause trouble in Trump supporter's names. But the people inside the Capital building, including the dead USAF veteran from CA were Trump supporters. Pointing out that other groups were there is a deflection and it doesn't sit well with me. Legitimate concerns about the election were damaged and undermined because of a relatively tiny group of carried away people who engaged in unacceptable, criminal, terroristic behavior.
Silicone Valley, they're next up in my ire. What a bunch of liberal pricks. We've allowed them too much influence over our public discourse, too much power over events, and too much political power. It's our fault. It's not a First Amendment issue. The First Amendment prohibits the US Government from restricting free speech. If you don't know that, wake the fuck up! But because it's not a First Amendment issue does NOT make Silicone Valley the good guys. They kicked conservatives off their platforms left and right after the 6th, including yours truly. Yeah, I made a snide remark to a Mitt Romney Parody account on twitter, "Eat shit and die, RINO! Ha ha". There's no way what I was doing in replying thusly to A PARODY ACCOUNT was inciting or encouraging violence. But the micro-dick soy boys and girls of Silicone Valley have the power to judge what is and what isn't, and POOF! Matty P's gone.
Speaking of RINOs, I'm done with the GOP. They've proven themselves to globalist, elitist, establishment, war hawking, concessionary scum again and again and especially during the Trump presidency. Rumors that McConnell supports impeachment? Ten Republicans vote to impeach? Ronna McDaniel (some kind of kin to Mitt Romney) re-elected as Chair of the party? I'm done with the GOP. Done with them.
And then there are the Democrats. They don't represent me in any way shape of form at all and they don't care. I'm not a constituent, I'm their enemy. I can't even. Impeaching Trump with 7 days left? Are you fucking kidding me? Unity my aching ass. Unity. Fuck you and your fucking unity, Joe. Go fuck yourself you fucking senile, corrupt, cheated to elect this douchebag, plagiarist, hair sniffing, piece of shit. Unity my fucking ass. This was a shot at me and everyone like me. I know it's true. You know it's true. Everybody knows it's true. So don't expect me to be nice or complimentary or open to these fucks. Not my president? No. He's my president. We elected a fucking corrupt moron because you fucking assholes hate Trump so fucking much. And you don't give two shits if he cheated to do it, long as Trump's gone. And this stupid impeachent is simply to try and forestall a 2024 comeback.
Good Ol' Matty P's pissed. May be a while before I calm down.
Saturday, December 26, 2020
12/26/2020 - The Boogie Man
When I was a kid I remember people talked about the boogie man. This was before K.C. and the Sunshine Band sang the song that de-mystified the poor bastard. Before that it as, "What're ya, 'fraid of the boogie man or something?"
Well, nowadays, everything people don't like is vilified, amplified, and emphasized. One of the things whack jobs from the left do is to blame things they don't agree with, don't understand, or don't like on "white supremacy". And while the boogie man was a figment of imagination and lore, I concede there is such a thing as white supremacy. But I will not concede that it's a large and rampant problem. The white supremacist scumbags are out there, but they're few, far between, way out of the mainstream, and a marginalized few losers.
What brought this on this morning? It was this:
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I'm sure glad I'm not a jerkoff like Jen Bokoff, aren't you? |
This dumbass, Jen Bokoff, alleges that the greeting "Merry Christmas" is "white supremacy at work". I get that this bitch probably doesn't believe in Jesus, and I'm fine with that. But by calling the "Merry Christmas" greeting white supremacy, the Bokoff jerkoff does two things: first, she's calling shit that ain't white supremacy to be so, and in doing so marginalizes real claims of same. And secondly, she's showing her anti-Christian prejudice, When people talk about a war on Christmas, many dismiss it out of hand. And granted, in terms of war, this offensive is truly weak sauce, a mosquito bite is a more effective weapon in that war than this one is, but it's wrapped up in the same nonsense.
Rather than to gaff off Ms. Bokoff the Jerkoff for her weak sauce, I posted what started this rant off.
Oh, and lemme know what time you finally get the song out of your head!:
"I'm Your Boogie Man"
🎵I'm your boogie man, that's what I am
I'm here to do whatever I can
Be it early morning, late afternoon
Or at midnight. It's never too soon🎵