Listen up leftist Democrats and progressives: This b.s. of pre-judging, stereotyping, categorizing, and labeling everyone who disagrees with you or your radical initiatives and policies as a racist or as a violent radical isn't cutting the mustard. And you moderate Democrats, if there really is such a thing anymore, You need to speak up against the bullshit. I think we're seeing some of that in yesterday's election results, but leading up to Election Day your silence has been deafening. So, listen up. Moving forward, you need to speak up. Because if the radical, progressive left continues to brand concerned parents who want a say in our children's education as terrorists, and if radical progressives want to defund police departments, and you don't speak out against that kind of nonsense, you're in for a really rude awakening in 2022.
I read a lot. And a lot of what I read are books about US History. In book after book I have read about famous historical figures who were slave owners, and about others who opposed slavery. I have read many books about the conquest of the west, which was more a conquest of Native Americans and of Mexico in the southwest. The reality of what took place and how Black and Native Americans were treated is NOT some dark secret that evil white propagandist historians hide from you or your children. It's readily available on a library shelf in every city and town in America.
I would contend NOT that there was not racism toward both red and brown/black skinned people. Surely there was, and anyone who denies that there indeed was is stupid, lying, or both. But I would contend that the underlying motivation for what happened to red and black skinned people was greed. Evil? Yes. Racist? Yes. Greed? Absolutely. I also contend that not all whites were party to it, supported it, or endorsed it. To blame all whites for it, I can't abide with that. And to blame all whites for it more than 150 years AFTER slavery was abolished, it's never going to fly with me.
Listen up. Lemme tell you where my interest in dialoguing about race ends. Finis. Kaput. Done. Done for. As soon as that discussion blankets all white people with generalizations and stereotypes that would absolutely be unacceptable things to say about black, brown, red, or yellow skinned people. And to me that seems to be the basic premise of the controversial Critical Race Theory, this presumption that we need to understand the evils perpetrated by whites and how it has led to unfair advantages that we as whites have enjoyed, and the unfair plight of people of color. I don't see a single fucking solution in it anywhere. It's finger pointing, blaming, and perpetualizing the problems of the past into the future. It fixes nothing, except maybe to satisfy someone who's thinking, "I sure told them motherfuckers."
Listen up. I'm not defending racists. I'm not defending deniers who would claim there was no racism or that there is no racism now. I'm not saying racism isn't an evil to be addressed and treated as what it is: evil. I'm saying stop generalizing and using it as an excuse for every disagreement we have. Not all whites are racists. Not every problem every person of color has has racism at its roots.
Listen up: lemme give you another example of the kind of ridiculousness your race obsessed and divisive leaders are doing that's a big backfire waiting to happen: paying people who enter our country illegally $450,000.00 per person because their families got split up. Oh, and blaming Trump and racist Trump supporters. Just stop it. This is insanity. But you so-called moderate fuckers, you're saying nothing about it. You're too chickenshit scared of the leftist progressives, so you remain quiet while radical judges, lawyers, and progressive leftist leaders peddle this nonsense. When, not if there's backlash, and there sure as hell will be, YOU and YOUR SILENCE will be to blame.
Biden's approval rating is in the toilet. Where it should be. |
Listen up. Democrats lost by a surprisingly good margin in VA. It's neck and neck in NJ. In Minneapolis, the ridiculous defund the police initiative went down in flames. Whose fault is that? First, it's the fault of the radicals Democrats have allowed to control their party, their President even. And second, it's the fault of every moderate Democrat who was squeamish about the radical agenda and failed to stand up and say, "These radicals DON'T speak for me." Want to know what you can do different moving forward? How about vocalizing that Senators Manchin and Sinema have the right idea. How about telling your Senator, your Congressperson, and your local Democratic Party organizations that you support Manchin and Sinema and that you want to see more moderate, reasonable policies and hear more reasonable voices in lieu of these radicals. 'Cause, listen up. The shit your party is doing right now, from the puppet in chief, down to the activist in your neighborhood, it ain't working.