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Monday, August 8, 2022

Liar in Chief - 8/8/2022


Liar, liar, pants on fire.

Joe Biden: I'm not gonna raise taxes on anyone making less than $400,000.

I knew that he was lying when he said it. Many of you knew he was lying when he said it, too. Those of you who didn't know he was lying know now that he lied to you.

"No new taxes" was George H. W. Bush's downfall. Why don't Biden's supporters hold him similarly accountable? My hunch is because they don't care. They don't look at his failures or deceits critically at all. Trump is evil, and can do no good. Biden is not Trump, and therefore is above criticism or reproach.

Here's some fun facts to close this morning: According to Forbes, there are 735 billionaires in the USA. President Biden is hiring 87,000 new IRS agents, or 118 new agents per billionaire. He's NOT hiring them to squeeze more money from those billionaires if you ask me. Just like under his mentor, President Obama, these new IRS agents will be used as political warriors to take on the left's enemies, which includes me and a lot of you.

Sunday, August 7, 2022

On Brittney Griner, Not in Kansas Anymore - 8/7/2022-3

Brittney Griner

Honestly, I don't care that Brittney Griner is black, gay, or that she won't stand for the National Anthem. Color is a thing to a lot of people, but it ain't my thing. So she did some Black Lives Matter shit. I believe Black lives matter. I don't support Black Lives Matter. Some people can't make a distinction. I do. You don't like it? Tough crap. If you ask me Black lives do matter AND the Black Lives Matter group are socialist, communist, terrorist, and anti-white-racist in behavior.

Sexual preferences seems to be a cause for obsession for some people, them that feel it's an abomination and somehow impacts their lives, and also for some LGBTQ types who act as if only taking a near activist stand on the issue can prove one NOT a homophobe. I'm neither. You live your life and love who you want. The fact that Brittney Griner has a wife? WTF does it have to do with anything? To me, nothing. I've heard some speculate that Brittney Griner is trans. Maybe so. That's her business, although if she's M-F trans, some genetic women have been treated unfairly by having to compete with a guy on the basketball court. That's "if", by the way. I don't know and I don't care.

Brittney Griner broke Russian law. She should have known better, in fact I bet she did/does know better when she did it. What she did was bring a very American view of the law, law enforcement, and criminal justice to a foreign land where the American system has no bearing. I remember in 1979 I got orders to Okinawa, the USMC had me attend a class. I was taught that Okinawa is Japan, not Kansas. As in, "We're not in Kansas anymore, Toto." Well, Brittney has lived in Russia before. She knew the rules. She fucked up. Badly.

I'm not spiteful or vindictive. Did Brittney Griner disrespect our flag and veterans? Fuck yes she did. That's her right. I stop short of applauding her for exercising that right, but I have to say it is her right.

I hear some say it's incumbent on the US Government to do something to help her to gain her release. Ironically, the same people saying this would say someone like me who supported President Trump are Putin puppets and ridiculous nonsense like that. Well, who is advocating we kiss Putin's ring and ass, and genuflect before him to win the release of Brittney Griner?

Me? I'm not saying she should rot in prison for the entire 8 or 9 years. But neither would I agree with selling out US interests to gain her release. There's plenty of people in Kansas who need help. Help them. Brittney Griner is NOT in Kansas anymore.

Shipping Them North - 8/7/2022-2

Migrants are being bused from border states to blue cities up north.

I think it's great. You call yourselves "sanctuary cities". Now you're crying because your status as a sanctuary city is being utilized. Suck it up, buttercups. You wanted all these migrants to be here illegally? They're yours. House them. Clothe them. Feed them. Provide them medical care, schools, and social services. You asked for it. You got it.

To the border state governors: Please distribute ALL the people entering our country illegally to sanctuary cities and states. All of them.

We Need 87,000 New IRS Agents Because..... - 8/7/2022

In my family, I take care of our taxes. I pay every penny we owe, every year. I don't fudge, sneak, or cheat. But somehow, the addition of 87,000 new IRS agents makes me feel like a target. Why do the socialists in Washington feel like we need them, and what is it that makes me feel targeted?

We'll spend more on 87,000 new agents than those agents will reap in extra revenue.

1. "The rich aren't paying their fair share." What's fair is surely subjective, and the definition of rich is very much dependent on where you are on the income spectrum. I'm sure I am rich to some people. I don't think I am, and I worked and saved and saved and worked and sacrificed for what we have. To the people who think I'm rich and aren't paying my fair share, go fuck yourselves. Get a better fucking job. Work your ass off. Stick to it under incredible stress. Move your family multiple times across the country to realize modest success and security. If you haven't done that, cry me a river. It's your fucking fault, not mine.

2. "Everybody with money cheats... they take advantage of loopholes in the tax code." OK, listen up. Not everybody cheats. Not near as many a you think. And loopholes are loopholes. Taking advantage of loopholes isn't cheating. You're just too stupid and too jealous of people who made themselves successful while you got fired for attendance or attitude or lack of commitment from shitty job after shitty job, some of us went to night school, endured shitty assignments, and moved ourselves up the job food chain. Or maybe you quit without a better job already lined up because, well, because you're a fucking quitter. The fact that there were deductions for my cross country moves, for work related education, etc. doesn't make me a cheater. Just because you have been told it's impossible to get ahead and because YOU didn't sacrifice the way I did to advance yourself don't make me a cheater. These cheating accusations are mostly bullshit and target small business owners and others who have found even modest success.

3. "We need the extra revenue these new agents will generate through additional audits to cut the deficit." You're shitting me, right? Republican and Democrat alike will spend proportionally more for any and every extra dollar that may be raised. I suspect less will be raised than the cost of 87,000 new unionized, Federal government employees. 87,000 additional unionized, Federal employees. 87,000 additional unionized, Federal employees. Adding 87,000 to the Democrat voting block. And while we're at it, let's locate them in states and municipalities where Democrats need the extra votes.

How about this instead? Simplify the damned tax code. There's no reason things need to be this complicated. Cut Federal spending where it is wasteful. Spend less for the same shit. You can't convince me that the new VA Hospital being constructed in Louisville, KY, for example, isn't costing us FAR, FAR more because it is a federally funded project than what the exact same building and facility could be done privately. Didn't Trump prove this with a Post Office or something in D.C. before he was President? 87,000 new auditors to watchdog all federally funded project(s) wasteful spending would save us at least as much as they will gain us by auditing "rich" people's tax returns. You'd have a hard time convincing me different.

I pay my taxes. All of them. I do not fear an audit. If I ever made a mistake and knew it, I corrected it and sent a check. That has happened exactly twice in my life. I feel targeted by this, nonetheless. Why? Because Democrats are the party of class and race warfare. I'm an honest person who worked hard and it's easier to call the path I took, which most of the critics don't have the fortitude, aptitude, nor attitude to do themselves, unfair and privileged. Well, if you think that, fuck you. Get a better fucking job. Better yourself. Quit fucking complaining about me and what I have. It was there for your taking. Quit listening to the hucksters who told you is wasn't. And quit listening to teachers who tell you it's impossible to get ahead because the whole system is so unfair. They're knowingly or unknowingly feeding you a line of bullshit. And if you do work hard like I did and achieve some measure of success, they'll come after yours just like they are mine. Join with me in wishing them a very loud and enthusiatic, "Go fuck yourself!"

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Why Joe Biden? The Big Mistake of 2020- 7/28/2022

Oops. Stumbled again!

When I look at President Biden's abysmal performance, how Democrats came to choose Joe Biden as their guy is a real head scratcher. The guy is just awful at the job. I've counted the ways he's bad in past blogs, so I won't rehash them again. This post is not about election integrity, 2020 voter fraud or other cheating, either. It is simple me expressing my opinion of how Joe Biden became the Democratic candidate, and ultimately our President, and by how I mean the rationale, the reasons. Here they are and my assessment of those "hows", too.

1. "We are a deeply divided nation and Joe Biden is a uniter. He can bring us together." I haven't seen it. I'm not feeling it. That's what we were told, but it's not true. Joe is as much a partisan and every bit a part of the division and rancor and anyone else. He has a temper and showed his ass a number of times in public settings when challenged or faced with dissent. "I don't work for you!"

2. "Joe Biden is the only one of them who can beat Trump." I don't know how much the cheating impacted the result, but I do agree, Trump would have fared better against every single other Democratic Party hopeful who took part in the primaries.

3. "Joe Biden will bring about a return to normalcy in Washington." That didn't work out. Nope. The Jan 6th Committee, protests at SCOTUS Justice's houses, etc. The place is every bit the circus it was under Trump. We just got some new clowns, and we still have way too many of the same old clowns. But we don't have normal.

4. "It's Joe Biden's time." No it wasn't. He's way past his prime. He couldn't get past other nominees in previous presidential campaigns earlier in his career when he was in better shape mentally and physically. Now a mere shell of himself it's his time? Hell no. He's way, way past prime time. Maybe it was "his turn", but it was a mistake, a real boner. His time is long past.

Sometimes the electorate makes a mistake. Now you know how the big mistake of 2020 was made.

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

An Open Letter to My Democrat Friends, I Want to Understand - 7/27/2022

In the last 30 to 40 years, political polarization in the US has gotten worse and worse. I am not going to cite instance after instance. But I will say we have gotten more and more tribal and that the feuding and hostility between tribes has ratcheted up in and during each and every Presidential Administration and campaign since Reagan. It reached a critical mass during the Clinton years. Then there were the Bush years, need I say more? By the time the Obama years were upon us, social media became a factor, joining a corrupt and biased media complex intent in creating division among us. If media sowed the seeds of division among us, social media was and surely is the fertilizer of it. I thought that the division had reached it's summit with Trump. I was wrong. The Biden years are proving to be every bit as divided and caustic. Touted as a uniter, Biden has done none of that. I actually think things are worse now than ever between us. I am NOT blaming Biden for that, but I AM saying he sure as hell isn't a unifying figure. I cannot think of a single issue about which I thought the Biden Administration was reaching out to me as a conservative, not with an olive branch of reconciliation, not with an offer of peace, not with anything. Not ever. Not at all.

So, rather than letting media or social media speak for me and letting anyone presume to know what I think, let me lay it out for you.

I don't hate you or distrust you because you're a Democrat. I hate some of the politicians who are standard bearers for your party, but I know most of you, if not all you who I am blessed to call my friends, are good people and well-intentioned. But there is so much that I simply do not understand.

I want to understand how you feel about the issues that divide us. I remember in 2016 an exchange with a Democrat friend who wanted to know why I was supporting Trump. I told him the same thing I still believe today: that Trump is a highly imperfect person, detestable in many ways, but that he seemed to me to be the only political figure on the scene with the USA's best interests at heart. ALL the others, at every point on the political spectrum, seemed to me to be compromised by special interests, domestic and foreign. This to me still seems the case.

I want to understand. The US was built on a foundation of immigrants who came here to better themselves. I am totally in support of the US continuing this tradition, The waves of people coming here illegally is NOT in keeping with anything resembling that tradition, in my opinion. Why do you not object to the immigration crisis taking place in the USA right now? If this is okay in your opinion, why and how do we move forward with 1,000,000 and more every year coming in undocumented and as of now under Biden, unfettered?

I want to understand. Desiring cleaner energy and protecting our environment is a good and righteous thing. Do you really and truly believe that the Biden Administration's energy policies have had no bearing on fuel prices, and that this is strictly a Putin issue? Is the Biden Administration handling this issue well, and if you believe that is the case, please tell me how you see the balance between green energy policy and energy prices playing out now and moving forward. Who is it that you trust to make the right moves for mom and pop and Joe Six Pack moving forward?

I want to understand. Every social issue today seems to be controlled by extremists on both sides, but in as much as your side presently controls both bodies in Congress, and the White House, are you well represented on social issues? For example, are you in agreement that we should no longer refer to the people who gave birth to us as "mothers", and instead ought to call them "people who give birth"? The whole gender thing totally befuddles me. Sure, gender dysphoria is a thing. There are people who identify as the opposite gender from the one we would define by what's in their pants or their DNA. I don't mind letting them live in a way that will allow them to feel at home and at peace with their self identity. But the movement seems instead to want to undermine all of us whose self-identity is aligned with more traditional definitions of male and female, boy and girl, man and woman. I don't understand how Disney World discontinuing welcoming "boys and girls" of all ages makes society a better place. I don't understand how medical professionals advocating that we discontinue the process of gendering newborns until they are old enough to make that determination of their own free will makes society a better place for us all. Help me to understand that. If you think think that this is the right thing for society, I want to understand how and why. If you don't, why do I not hear Democrats objecting vociferously?

I want to understand. Almost 60 years have passed since the Civil Rights Bill of 1964 was passed. Most of our largest cities have large minority populations and also are and have been under liberal or Democratic leadership for most of that time. Do we still have the kind of racial oppression that warranted passage of the 1964 law? If so, has the leadership to which I referred failed minorities? Help me to understand.

I want to understand. Do you think schools K-12 and colleges and universities in 2022 are meeting our society's education needs as they translate to the educated's contributions to a thriving and productive society?

I want to understand. What are the top 3 or 4 political issues that will most influence you in the mid-terms and then in the 2024 General Election? I hesitate to tell mine, as I am not looking for your response to my opinion, I want to understand your opinions.

I would love to see you rank, first to last, your preference for President in 2024 if the following were your choices and specifically why you feel of all these this person best represents your views. Ignore their ages, this is more a hypothetical to see where their/your views align. I want to understand.

Joe Biden. Kamala Harris, Joe Manchin, Kristen Sinema, Nancy Pelosi, Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, Alexandria Occasio-Cortez, Maxine Waters, Liz Cheney, Andrew Cuomo, Michelle Obama.

Pick one only and help me to understand how their position on issues reflects your views and your desires for our future. Again please ignore age, which I know for several of these is a reason they're not a realistic candidate.

Were you able to get through all that? Extra credit if you got through all that and never mentioned Trump in response to my questions. If "Trump" was indeed a part of your logic to answer these, may I respectfully request that you try again? Trump shouldn't be inside your head. If he is he's clouding your vision. No offense.

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Reading US History and a Stunning Analogy - 7/23/2022

I read a lot of US history. I'm currently reading the first volume of Shelby Foote's famous Civil War trilogy, The Civil War: A Narrative. Vol 1: Fort Sumter to Perryville (1958). Note that it was written in 1958, a year after I was born. I would have read it sooner, but we were at the library and mom realized that I had a poopy diaper. Then I just never got around to it. But I finally have, and I'm reading it now. As I am reading, I'm about 100 pages in, Foote's description of the issue(s) leading up to the war stike me as stunning. The cliché, 'those who ignore history are damned to repeat it' rings in my ears.

Slavery was a moral abomination and is a stain on our history.
The reason for the Civil War is almost always explained one of two ways: the war was over slavery, and the right to own slaves, or it is explained as being a war over 'states rights'. The latter, 'states rights', is almost exclusively the basis cited by people sympathetic to the Confederacy's secession from and war with the Union. I don't ever recall, in my life, anyone justifying secession because they believe slavery was morally acceptable. 'States rights' is the way they justify it. Other people, me, believe the war was fought over slavery. Do southern states or did/do the people in them have the right to own slaves? Both explanations for the war are right, each in their own way, but neither reason answers the other.

Slavery is a moral issue, cut and dry. It is either OK to own slaves or it isn't. It is either OK to think of Black people are lesser forms of life, unworthy of equal standing with whites, or it isn't. But you won't hear hardly anyone who sees the war as having been one over states rights ever even address the morality or immorality of slavery. As I read about the dispute and the rhetoric surrounding it, I had a wow moment. 'States rights' was and is a damned cop out. I suppose it was way easier to look one's own self in the mirror for standing up for states rights than it was to look in the mirror and feel pride in making the case that slavery was morally acceptable, that Black people are some lesser form of life. Is slavery morally acceptable? Are Blacks lesser beings? How does history judge it?

I am trying to keep this short. Well, at least I'm trying to.

Is not abortion/the right to choose nearly a perfect analogy to the Civil War? Abortion is a moral issue, it is either OK to abort, or it isn't. I can entertain the validity of discussion of viability, and that the morality of the issue may change as each pregnancy progresses toward term, but whether or not the act is moral or immoral can't be discarded from the debate. If you think the act is moral, then say it. 'A woman's right to choose' and 'a woman must not be told what she can and can't do with her own body' are cop out arguments, plain and simple, not at all unlike the way that 'states rights' was a cop out for justifying slavery.

It was like feeling a feeling of deja-vu all over again.
States rights and the right to choose are both arguments that sidestep the important moral question to resolve debate to a desired end. We know how, enlightened by the passage of time, history now judges slavery. It will be well beyond my time in this life, but someday history will pass its judgement on abortion or the right to choose, too.