In my family, I take care of our taxes. I pay every penny we owe, every year. I don't fudge, sneak, or cheat. But somehow, the addition of 87,000 new IRS agents makes me feel like a target. Why do the socialists in Washington feel like we need them, and what is it that makes me feel targeted?
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We'll spend more on 87,000 new agents than those agents will reap in extra revenue. |
1. "The rich aren't paying their fair share." What's fair is surely subjective, and the definition of rich is very much dependent on where you are on the income spectrum. I'm sure I am rich to some people. I don't think I am, and I worked and saved and saved and worked and sacrificed for what we have. To the people who think I'm rich and aren't paying my fair share, go fuck yourselves. Get a better fucking job. Work your ass off. Stick to it under incredible stress. Move your family multiple times across the country to realize modest success and security. If you haven't done that, cry me a river. It's your fucking fault, not mine.
2. "Everybody with money cheats... they take advantage of loopholes in the tax code." OK, listen up. Not everybody cheats. Not near as many a you think. And loopholes are loopholes. Taking advantage of loopholes isn't cheating. You're just too stupid and too jealous of people who made themselves successful while you got fired for attendance or attitude or lack of commitment from shitty job after shitty job, some of us went to night school, endured shitty assignments, and moved ourselves up the job food chain. Or maybe you quit without a better job already lined up because, well, because you're a fucking quitter. The fact that there were deductions for my cross country moves, for work related education, etc. doesn't make me a cheater. Just because you have been told it's impossible to get ahead and because YOU didn't sacrifice the way I did to advance yourself don't make me a cheater. These cheating accusations are mostly bullshit and target small business owners and others who have found even modest success.
3. "We need the extra revenue these new agents will generate through additional audits to cut the deficit." You're shitting me, right? Republican and Democrat alike will spend proportionally more for any and every extra dollar that may be raised. I suspect less will be raised than the cost of 87,000 new unionized, Federal government employees. 87,000 additional unionized, Federal employees. 87,000 additional unionized, Federal employees. Adding 87,000 to the Democrat voting block. And while we're at it, let's locate them in states and municipalities where Democrats need the extra votes.
How about this instead? Simplify the damned tax code. There's no reason things need to be this complicated. Cut Federal spending where it is wasteful. Spend less for the same shit. You can't convince me that the new VA Hospital being constructed in Louisville, KY, for example, isn't costing us FAR, FAR more because it is a federally funded project than what the exact same building and facility could be done privately. Didn't Trump prove this with a Post Office or something in D.C. before he was President? 87,000 new auditors to watchdog all federally funded project(s) wasteful spending would save us at least as much as they will gain us by auditing "rich" people's tax returns. You'd have a hard time convincing me different.
I pay my taxes. All of them. I do not fear an audit. If I ever made a mistake and knew it, I corrected it and sent a check. That has happened exactly twice in my life. I feel targeted by this, nonetheless. Why? Because Democrats are the party of class and race warfare. I'm an honest person who worked hard and it's easier to call the path I took, which most of the critics don't have the fortitude, aptitude, nor attitude to do themselves, unfair and privileged. Well, if you think that, fuck you. Get a better fucking job. Better yourself. Quit fucking complaining about me and what I have. It was there for your taking. Quit listening to the hucksters who told you is wasn't. And quit listening to teachers who tell you it's impossible to get ahead because the whole system is so unfair. They're knowingly or unknowingly feeding you a line of bullshit. And if you do work hard like I did and achieve some measure of success, they'll come after yours just like they are mine. Join with me in wishing them a very loud and enthusiatic, "Go fuck yourself!"
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