In the last 30 to 40 years, political polarization in the US has gotten worse and worse. I am not going to cite instance after instance. But I will say we have gotten more and more tribal and that the feuding and hostility between tribes has ratcheted up in and during each and every Presidential Administration and campaign since Reagan. It reached a critical mass during the Clinton years. Then there were the Bush years, need I say more? By the time the Obama years were upon us, social media became a factor, joining a corrupt and biased media complex intent in creating division among us. If media sowed the seeds of division among us, social media was and surely is the fertilizer of it. I thought that the division had reached it's summit with Trump. I was wrong. The Biden years are proving to be every bit as divided and caustic. Touted as a uniter, Biden has done none of that. I actually think things are worse now than ever between us. I am NOT blaming Biden for that, but I AM saying he sure as hell isn't a unifying figure. I cannot think of a single issue about which I thought the Biden Administration was reaching out to me as a conservative, not with an olive branch of reconciliation, not with an offer of peace, not with anything. Not ever. Not at all.
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I don't hate you or distrust you because you're a Democrat. I hate some of the politicians who are standard bearers for your party, but I know most of you, if not all you who I am blessed to call my friends, are good people and well-intentioned. But there is so much that I simply do not understand.
I want to understand how you feel about the issues that divide us. I remember in 2016 an exchange with a Democrat friend who wanted to know why I was supporting Trump. I told him the same thing I still believe today: that Trump is a highly imperfect person, detestable in many ways, but that he seemed to me to be the only political figure on the scene with the USA's best interests at heart. ALL the others, at every point on the political spectrum, seemed to me to be compromised by special interests, domestic and foreign. This to me still seems the case.
I want to understand. The US was built on a foundation of immigrants who came here to better themselves. I am totally in support of the US continuing this tradition, The waves of people coming here illegally is NOT in keeping with anything resembling that tradition, in my opinion. Why do you not object to the immigration crisis taking place in the USA right now? If this is okay in your opinion, why and how do we move forward with 1,000,000 and more every year coming in undocumented and as of now under Biden, unfettered?
I want to understand. Desiring cleaner energy and protecting our environment is a good and righteous thing. Do you really and truly believe that the Biden Administration's energy policies have had no bearing on fuel prices, and that this is strictly a Putin issue? Is the Biden Administration handling this issue well, and if you believe that is the case, please tell me how you see the balance between green energy policy and energy prices playing out now and moving forward. Who is it that you trust to make the right moves for mom and pop and Joe Six Pack moving forward?
I want to understand. Every social issue today seems to be controlled by extremists on both sides, but in as much as your side presently controls both bodies in Congress, and the White House, are you well represented on social issues? For example, are you in agreement that we should no longer refer to the people who gave birth to us as "mothers", and instead ought to call them "people who give birth"? The whole gender thing totally befuddles me. Sure, gender dysphoria is a thing. There are people who identify as the opposite gender from the one we would define by what's in their pants or their DNA. I don't mind letting them live in a way that will allow them to feel at home and at peace with their self identity. But the movement seems instead to want to undermine all of us whose self-identity is aligned with more traditional definitions of male and female, boy and girl, man and woman. I don't understand how Disney World discontinuing welcoming "boys and girls" of all ages makes society a better place. I don't understand how medical professionals advocating that we discontinue the process of gendering newborns until they are old enough to make that determination of their own free will makes society a better place for us all. Help me to understand that. If you think think that this is the right thing for society, I want to understand how and why. If you don't, why do I not hear Democrats objecting vociferously?
I want to understand. Almost 60 years have passed since the Civil Rights Bill of 1964 was passed. Most of our largest cities have large minority populations and also are and have been under liberal or Democratic leadership for most of that time. Do we still have the kind of racial oppression that warranted passage of the 1964 law? If so, has the leadership to which I referred failed minorities? Help me to understand.
I want to understand. Do you think schools K-12 and colleges and universities in 2022 are meeting our society's education needs as they translate to the educated's contributions to a thriving and productive society?
I want to understand. What are the top 3 or 4 political issues that will most influence you in the mid-terms and then in the 2024 General Election? I hesitate to tell mine, as I am not looking for your response to my opinion, I want to understand your opinions.
I would love to see you rank, first to last, your preference for President in 2024 if the following were your choices and specifically why you feel of all these this person best represents your views. Ignore their ages, this is more a hypothetical to see where their/your views align. I want to understand.
Joe Biden. Kamala Harris, Joe Manchin, Kristen Sinema, Nancy Pelosi, Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, Alexandria Occasio-Cortez, Maxine Waters, Liz Cheney, Andrew Cuomo, Michelle Obama.
Pick one only and help me to understand how their position on issues reflects your views and your desires for our future. Again please ignore age, which I know for several of these is a reason they're not a realistic candidate.
Were you able to get through all that? Extra credit if you got through all that and never mentioned Trump in response to my questions. If "Trump" was indeed a part of your logic to answer these, may I respectfully request that you try again? Trump shouldn't be inside your head. If he is he's clouding your vision. No offense.
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