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Monday, May 18, 2020

5/18/2020 Pineapple on Pizza?

I don't much care for pineapple on pizza. I would never order it if given a choice. At 62, chances are good I'll never eat it again in my life, and even better that I'll never order it. Of that I'm certain. Some people like pineapple on pizza. I don't hate them for it. If you like pineapple on your pizza and we ever talk about it, will you get mad at me, or call me stupid names because I disagree with you about putting pineapple on pizza? Will you accuse me of hating pineapple growers? What about pineapple pickers, will you accuse me of hating Pacific Islanders who work in pineapple fields in Hawaii? Will you say I'm in the tank for the pepperoni lobby because I'm unwilling to order a pineapple pizza?  Would you say I'm willfully hurting Kroger and Publix workers because of my unwillingness to buy pineapple there for my pizzas?

Why can't the political issues of today be more like pineapple on pizzas? Everything I tend to agree with in the political realm today seems to get characterized that way. I wonder why "I don't like illegal immigration" can't be more like "I don't like pineapple on my pizza."  I wonder if the fact that I support the right to bear arms could be discussed without someone accusing me of wanting mass-murderers to kill school children. Wouldn't it be nice if we could talk about the misdeeds of the FBI, DOJ, and State Dept. during and after to 2016 Presidential Election without being accused of being in the tank for Putin. Imagine if we could question the effectiveness of continued lockdowns to reduce the spread of the CCP Virus without being accused of not caring that people will die from it. And forget about abortion! That's the third rail right there. You might as well accuse someone's mother of being a syphilitic career prostitute. As is the case with abortion, on many of these issues people aren't even talking about the same thing. While I'm saying I don't want pineapple on my pizza, you're arguing that I am opposed to letting people put whatever they want on their pizza.

Recently I've had several friends comment on blog posts that they no longer talk about politics with people with whom they disagree. I don't think this is a good thing, nor do I think it's a healthy thing for society. We NEED (capitalized for emphasis) to understand each other. Today's lack of civil dialogue is poison, no matter what kind of pizza you or I may like.

I don't like pineapple on my pizza. You do? Just pepperoni on my half, ok?

1 comment:

  1. My feeling exactly Matt. The atmosphere is so poisoned you can't even joke with people without some kind of sharp negative knee-jerk reaction.
