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Friday, May 29, 2020

5/29/2020-3 "How white people should talk to people of color"

Of all the stuff I've seen on social media the last couple of days, one of the most astounding has been advice being given. to us white people on how to talk to black people. It's do's and dont's. Mostly don'ts. Don't ever say this. Don't say that. The list is long, and some of the advice is common sense and common decency. Some of it, though, is preposterous. So, this last post tonight is short and sweet:

Thanks for the advice, helpful black person(s). But I've talked to black people plenty in my 62 years, 9 and 1/2 months. I'm not too stupid to know how to talk to people without causing problems. It's goddamned insulting that you're advising white people what we can and can't, should and shouldn't say to you. Everything has to conform to your narrative, to your truth, to your sensibilities. My narrative, my truth, and my sensibilities? Well, like 'em or not, that's what you get. So thanks, but no thanks for the condescending, self-serving, demeaning advice. I think we will get along fine if I do me and you do you. If we can't, it's not because we're different colors. It's because you think you're the fucking thought police. And you ain't, at least not of my thoughts.

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