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Saturday, October 17, 2020

10/17/2020 You're Either Part of the Solution, or You're Part of the Problem

In 2016 the media told us of a massive scandal of Russian collusion. They never showed evidence, but told us incessantly, Trump colluded with the Russians to steal the election. On and on and on.
In 2019, President Trump was impeached for asking the Ukrainian President about Biden corruption on a telephone call. At the time of the impeachment the FBI had this hard drive, which shows the specific Biden corruption that Trump was asking about, but they were either inept or corrupt and did and said nothing. Wray should be fired today.

In 2020 actual evidence of Biden corruption is out in plain view. It’s played off and ignored by the same media that hyped the Russian hoax. They’re not even curious about this scandal. And gullible viewers watch the news networks that aren’t covering it, and hear their leaders say that it’s “been debunked” and just buy off on it. Russian money. Ukrainian money. Chinese money, all going to Hunter who kicks it up to pop, like a mob captain kicking up to “the boss”. Who debunked it, dumbass? Who? Facebook and Twitter’s highly partisan fact checkers who blocked it before they even checked it?
More and more is coming out. It ain’t done coming out yet, either. One of Hunter’s former business partners is independently corroborating the veracity of the Hunter emails. As in, I’m a party to this email chain and I confirm it’s true. And the emails weren’t hacked, either, by the way. The computer containing them was left unclaimed at a repair shop past the date on which the repair shop notifies customers they will at that point take possession. Customers at shops like that give their password to the technicians so they can work on the device. People whose laptop it wasn’t don’t have their lawyer contact the shop to try to retrieve it after the proverbial shit has started to hit the fan.
If you’re not curious about the Communist Chinese paying Hunter Biden $10,000,000 (seven zeros, if you’re counting) just for introductions, and allegedly in return being granted access to the Obama White House, why aren’t you interested?

You should (yes you, damnit!) be curious enough at least to look past the names of the news sources and people (Guliani) bringing this forward, to actually peruse the documents and decide for yourself.
You may decide you think they’re fake because the Biden spokesperson on Rachel Madow’s show told you they’re fake, and that’s good enough for you. If you actually look at them yourself and you think they’re fake, for whatever reason, I at least respect you’re taking the time to at least look into it on some level.
Or you may decide they look like they might be real to you, but that you hate Trump so much you welcome Biden corruption into the White House. You’re a fucking moron.
Or you may decide they look real and you actually love your country enough to speak out about this to other, more brainwashed, less open minded citizens.
But if you’re so partisan, and you’re so uncurious because of what and who the sources of these revelations are that you don’t care to look, you are the bad guy. You’re a rubber stamp on possible massive corruption and you blatantly and you proudly could care less. You’re the fucking problem.

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