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Thursday, October 8, 2020

10/8/2020 California Senator Bad!

I know how Democrats feel. And while I know that our feelings are a stupid way to assess Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates, I recognize how their feelings impact their assessment of President Trump. He's gotten on their last nerve so many times the discomfort is endless.

The irrational Orange Man Bad syndrome is real, very real.
This is how good ol' Matty P feels about Senator Kamala Harris. In her I see the kind of politician who would kill a puppy, or commit some other immoral act to advance her political career. Then along came Jussie Smollett and Justice Brett Kavanaugh. I don't know that I'll ever be able to think rationally and untainted by my immense dislike for her about anything she says or does. I watched a few minutes of the debate last night. But before she was finished with her second response, I realized that reading my book was better use of my time, rather than getting pissed off and then trying to get a good night's rest.

Democratic Party VP Candidate Kamala Harris
And f*cking Joe Biden thinks this woman is the right choice to be next in line for the presidency behind his 78 year old decrepit behind? My Democratic Party friends: I know how you feel about Donald Trump. It's been obvious for almost 4 years. I recognize that you can't see anything about him objectively. I hope I don't have to live that way, but I recognize that if Joe wins and then wakes up dead one morning, it's possible. It's really possible. Now, where's my damned ballot? I think I'll vote today!

California Senator Bad!

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