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Monday, June 5, 2023

They're Wacko, Most of 'Em, Anyways - 6/5/2023

These people are wacko. I mean, really, they're nucking futs!

The Trump people don't give a shit about winning in 2024. To them it's either Trump or it don't matter. Anyone who supports someone else, literally anyone else, is a disloyal traitor.

Meanwhile lefty people call every single thing they disagree with racism or fascism or some other bullshit "ism". So all of us who disagree with them are racist, fascist, or phobes of some one group or another. This line of bullshit is getting old, but is still mainstream.

Republicans are in a civil war. There are reasonable people, but "Trump only" and "never-Trump" are the amplified voices. Both groups would rather throw 2024 to Joe Biden than to compromise. Both groups are dumbasses.

Democrats appear to be running a guy who was too old then and who is aging and deteriorating at lightning speed now. Since all his opponents are racists, fascists, etc., they are Sergeant Schultz on the issue of geezer Biden. They know nothing! Do normal Democrats (I know some of you disagree, but I believe they really do exist) think Joe Biden is up to the task and doing a good job, or are you just so happy it isn't Trump that you don't give a shit about immigration, the economy, etc., etc.?

Does anyone in the GOP really think Ronna McDaniel is doing a good job as its Chair? Really?

Democrats seem to have fully embraced SEC football's motto: "If you ain't cheatin', you ain't tryin'." They'll tell you voter fraud doesn't exist or make a difference. They'll also tell you Biden is doing a good job, so...

I don't know. I don't get it. Most of 'em are wacko, but who am I?  I'm nuthin' but a disloyal traitor, racist, fascist, phobophobe.

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