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Thursday, September 15, 2022

Our National Disgrace, Reprise - 9/15/2022

In July I wrote about our immigration disaster, calling it "Our National Disgrace". This morning I saw it reported that Governor DeSantis, the great governor of my great state, Florida, flew two planeloads of immigrants who entered the US illegally to Martha's Vinyard, famous among other things as the summer home of former president Barack Obama. In a separate report, I read that two busloads of immigrants were dropped off in front of Vice President Kamala Harris' residence in Washngton, DC.

Welcome to Martha's Vineyard! This guy don't seem to perturbed at having been given a free lift.

Hooray! We made it! Martha's Vineyard is the place to be!


Before I delve, I have seen posts on social media how degrading and dehumanizing transporting these folks to places such as these is. What? Listen up, dumbasses. Four million people have entered our country illegally under this administration, the vast majority accessing free passage across our border in California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas, courtesy of President Biden and his Administration. It was the voters of Washington DC, Martha's Vineyard, and of blue states, cities, and sanctuary cities across this country who put faraway border states into this crisis by rejecting former president Donald Trump and electing a nincompoop puppet controlled by the progressive left. 100 or 200 of these immigrants in DC or Martha's Vineyard verses 4,000,000 into CA, AZ, NM, and TX? Cry me a fucking river!

As far as I'm concerned, the governors of these states are doing precisely the right thing. They ought to have scheduled buses, and if affordable aircraft, operating to sanctuary cities and the very bluest of cities and states on a daily basis. They ought to offer every illegal entrant into our country optional free transportation on any one of the next 4-5 scheduled departures to the blue state or sanctuary city of their choice. I suggest they set up the frequency based on destination population. New York City is huge. Send 15-20 buses a day, at least. Chicago is big, too. 10-12 buses a day sounds about right. After Philadelphia, Chicago, New York, Boston, Minneapolis, Denver, Portland, Louisville, San Francisco, Seattle, and Washington DC get their fair share, little old Martha's Vineyard won't be getting all that many, not hardly any at all.

I love the idea of dropping the Washington DC bound immigrants at Vice President Harris' residence. She's in charge of the border. She's the one lying about the border being secure.

Before I carry on further, I should mention that I saw proud social media posts about how the people of Martha's Vineyard are opening their hearts and taking action to accommodate and support the immigrants who were brought there. Bravo!!!!!! That's the spirit. Is two planeloads a day for two years okay then? I mean, as long as border states continue to be overwhelmed and flooded with the migrants the Biden Administration they voted for purposely allows to enter illegally, it seems only right that the people who made the bed ought to have to lie in it.

I'm not for transporting any immigrant to any of these places against their will. Let me make that perfectly clear. But as long as our immigration and border policy coming courtesy of blue state electoral mandate is for the US to have an open door and an open border, I see absolutely nothing wrong with offering these migrants transportation to the US sanctuary city or blue state of their choice. I recommend the Governors of AZ, TX, and FL, who thus far are the ones providing this transportation, make travel brochures highlighting the industries and job opportunities in each of these wonderful destinations. I'd include maps and instructions on how to apply for social services and state aid, where and how to find medical care in each, and a listing with addresses and phone numbers of all the homeless shelters and charitable soup kitchens, food banks, and pantries.

There are alternatives. But hey, as long as any and every alternative is portrayed by these same now indignant and outraged recipients of illegally entered migrants as bigoted and racist, we can't have none of that. So, failing to pass immigration reform, to aggressively police the border and enforce US immigration law, and failing to build a wall to thwart most illegal entry, the next best thing we can do is to help these people get to places where they'll find opportunity, support, and prosperity.

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Joe Biden/Democrat Campaign Strategy, 2022 - 9/14/2022

Democrats and President Joe Biden, supported wholeheartedly by giant social and news media, have demonstrated very clearly what the strategy is for the 2022 Mid-Term Elections:

1. Trump, Trump, Trump, scary Trump, mean Trump, evil Trump, criminal Trump, spy Trump, Trump, Trump Trump*. This is most popular with voters with Trump Derangement Syndrome, which carries a large portion of Democrat voters..

* Trump is not on the ballot in 2022.

2. Abortion, abortion, abortion. Republicans want to ban ALL abortions. Even though this is demonstrably NOT true, with admittedly some Republicans who do, but not a majority, and even though many Democrats do NOT support late term (2nd and 3rd trimester) elective or birth control abortions, the party line is that Republicans will impose a 100% ban. No exceptions. It's not accurate, but it gets good traction.

3. MAGA is evil., MAGA is scary. MAGA is fascist! MAGA, MAGA, MAGA. Scary MAGA, mean MAGA, racist MAGA, misogynist MAGA, evil MAGA. Red hats, red hats, fear the red hats! Hate the red hats. Vote against the red hats.**

** Making America great again seems okay by me. I don't think of American greatness as evil. But with a certain crowd, this gets traction, too. Blame America first.

4. White supremacy. Antisemitism, militia groups... All of this is waiting in the GOP wings to seize control and to turn the USA into a racist's paradise. The news is already ramping up story after story about Antisemitism and extremist groups. All black, Hispanic, Asian conservatives, Republicans, and MAGA are uncle Tom's and to be ignored. They are not real minorities.

5. January 6th, January 6th, January 6th. All other riots and attempts to interfere with our governmental processes in the last 8-10 years are to be discounted and ignored. January 6th was the only one that ever happened that mattered. January 6th is more important that your job, grocery and gas prices, healthcare, Covid restrictions, everything. January 6th. Say it over and over. January 6th, damn it! January fucking 6th!!!!!!

6. The economy, the border, energy policy, military affairs, foreign affairs, failed Covid policies, failing schools, any and all other issues: if forced to discuss them, lie about them. Say that all is perfect and wonderful because of Joe Biden. If the lies fail, immediately change the subject to something listed in 1-5, above.

"Trump! Abortion! MAGA! White supremacists, racists, Antisemites! January 6th!!!!" Lather, rinse, repeat!

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Mitch Can Go To Hell - 9/13/2022

I've been away from the blog for a little over a week. Some, but not all of the reason why has been taking care of family stuff. A guy has to have priorities. It is also because I'm so deeply troubled by how I see my beloved country being run that it's been hard to decide what to write about next. So many things keep swirling around my mind.

First, lemme talk about the way the Biden Administration is savagely pursuing anyone and everyone even remotely connected to Trump, who supports Trump in his complaints about the 2020 election, and January 6th. There is no doubt that there is a political motive for all this stuff. I'm on the record as saying Jan 6th was absolutely the wrong day for a protest of the 2020 election. Yes, I share the doubts, read that as grave concern, about how the election was run, how votes were collected, and how those votes were counted. I believe there were numerous legitimate reasons to protest. Because of that I don't agree Trump didn't cause an insurrection. The crooked elected officials, Democrat election bureaucracies, and corrupt FBI officials who all put their fingers on the scale to thwart Trump re-election caused it. They cast huge shadows of doubt over the outcome. Now the DOJ and FBI are treating every and any correspondence or pursuit of their intentional 2020 election scale tipping as criminal and an "assault on democracy". Hogwash. While people have no right to violent interference in the process, and I do condemn same, they have every right in the world to question it openly and to protest peacefully. For the record, many, many, many Democrats, including Biden Spokesperson Jean-Pierre, for starters, questioned 2016 vocally. "Not my President" and "Resist" were all a part of that. They conveniently forget.

The next thing is President Biden attacking MAGA as "Semi-Fascist". I've written about it before. I'll just say I've never seen dictatorial actions like what the Biden Administration is doing before in my life. This is way too much like the McCarthy Hearings of the 1950's all over again. No. What Biden is doing and has his FBI, DOJ shock troops led by Merrick Garland doing, and what his 87,000 IRS storm troopers will do once they're off to the races is chilling. Call them a fascist and then move to squash any and all criticism of and opposition to the regime? Unbelievable. But that's what Bidenism is. Totalitarianism, thy name is Bidenism.

I totally reject what Biden and his people are doing to attack Trump and Trump supporters. But I do wish Trump would step aside and let someone else run. Florida Governonr Ron DeSantis is my choice. He has done a great job down here. But mark my words, whoever it is, no matter who represents the GOP in 2024, that person will be attacked and called a bigot, homophobe, racist, fascist, etc. This is the Democrat playbook. They have nothing else to appeal to moderates and swing voters except killing babies and attacking their opponents.

How do we respond to all this? Defend Trump? Yep. Defend his contacts, allies, and supporters? Yes, sure. But the best response when you are confronted with these allegations that you had absolutely nothing to do with and which wouldn't change your mind about Democrats anyway, is to change the subject to the real issues that matter: the economy, the border... supposedly under control per VP Kamala Harris is laughable, our disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan that left 13 dead, rolling blackout in California which are a prelude to implementation of green policies nationwide, murder and crime rates in Democrat controlled cities, filthy tap water in Democrat run cities, Biden's obviously failing mental health, etc. Policy after Biden policy is woke progressive bullshit that sounds good but which doesn't work and is wrong for our people's best interests and our country's future. "Trump this...." Response: "4 million illegal immigrants" "Fascist that..." Response "The FBI colluded with social media to interfere with the 2020 election." "MAGA this..." "If you think there's something wrong with American greatness, we have nothing to talk about." We can't take the bait. We have to talk about the issues.

Single issue people. So tiresome. The "Woman's right to choose" crowd. They allege that people like me want to outlaw abortions. That is simply not true. I support choice early in a pregnancy and even later in cases of rape, incest, or danger to the mother. I do reject discretionary abortions all the way to term, however. The response is always the same, "There are almost no discretionary, late-term abortions." Almost none? Gimme a break. If late-term birth control abortions don't happen and are NOT what you're after, then say so. Outlaw them. Don't give me your dishonest and tired rhetoric that they're hardly ever occurring. Put your stamp on it and say you don't support late-term discretionary abortions, rape, incest, and mother's physical health issues excluded. Why won't you? Because if you were being honest you'd admit that you feel it is okay, a right even, for a woman to kill a 30 or 33 week baby rather than to give birth to her? That's goddamned evil and makes you a baby killer in my book. Sorry, but late term, discretionary abortions is where me and the choice crown part company. Don't ignore the fact that they will try to swing the election for this very reason and that many, many people won't allow for this incredibly important distinction.

And lest I forget, there's Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and the GOP establishment, who would rather stay in control of the GOP and be in the minority than to join forces with the MAGA crowd and be in the majority. Rich Mitch can make his millions and complain about the Democrats till the cows come home as Minority Leader. Seems to me this is how he wants it. Have you heard him protest the way the Biden SS are going after anyone and everyone who would dare to support Trump or question 2020? I don't hear a peep. Mitch can go to hell.

Go to hell, Mitch McConnell!

Sunday, September 4, 2022

It Was Joe's Idea - 9/4/2022

Let me start with this: President Donald Trump is and was NOT my first choice in 2024. He just wasn't.

Also, I don't know what in the way of classified documents Trump had at Mar a Lago. Neither do you. The stuff he had there was under negotiated dispute. They were debating what was classified and what wasn't, what he could have, and what he couldn't. Was Trump being difficult? Probably. Were the bureaucrats being ridiculous? Probably so. If you ask me, there was no reason for the raid at all. None. There have been disputes with a good number of former public officials over classified materials in recent years. Trump was handled differently from all the others. Why? Because Trump incites Democrats and the left to irrationality. It's called Trump Derangement Syndrome, TDS for short. TDS is real. It is real as real can be.

The morning after the Mar a Lago raid I made a small donation to Donald Trump. Not because I support his candidacy, but because I am not a violent revolutionary and I felt compelled to send a peaceful signal that I, along with many millions of others, object to the way he is being treated by my government and also to show Trump that I support him.

Earlier this week President Biden started calling MAGA Republicans semi-fascists. See yesterday's blog post about what MAGA that means to me, as I am a MAGA former-Republican. What the f*** is a semi fascist, Joe? What, do we put our political enemies on the cattle car, but we don't kill them when they get to where we sent them? What a goddamned stupid thing for Joe to say. White House Spokesperson, Karine Jean-Pierre doubled down and again called us fascists, a threat to democracy, among other things. Biden's words are dangerous and seem to me to invite violence against anyone MAGA, making the case that our very existence is a threat to the country. Holy crap.

So last Wednesday, or maybe it was Thursday afternoon after Jean-Pierre doubled down, in addition to speaking out to anyone who would listen about the dangerous path Biden had taken, I made yet another small donation to Trump. This time I made it to show my anger at Biden's message and to show my support for MAGA Americans.

Then Thursday night Biden gave a speech that will forever live in infamy. He pissed me and so many others off it's crazy. Absolutely crazy. He called me "a threat to the very soul of this nation". This f***ing guy was supposed to be a uniter and he is stoking the fires of a second civil war. Totally and absolutely unacceptable. Absolutely disgusting. His speech left me fearful of violent and dangerous consequences. The only things missing in the Nazi-like setting was swastikas, pitchforks, and torches. The lighting sort of gave the feel of torchlight, but real torches would have better illuminated the insanity and evil of it.

My new hat gets lots of compliments. Many of us hate Joe Biden. He brought it upon himself.

Thursday evening after the shameful speech I went online and bought myself a "Let's Go Brandon" cap, with the red, white, and blue "FJB" on the side. Donations aren't enough. I want everyone to know that I reject Joe Biden and this divisive message. F*** Joe Biden. He's an awful President. Abysmal. He sucks. And he's an asshole, every bit the asshole that they think makes Trump unacceptable, Biden is and that's a fact.

So, two donations and a cap that gets compliments everywhere I wear it later, I found myself thinking, 'whose idea was it to attack half of our citizens like this?' And before you start with the "Trump did it, too" bullshit, lemme tell you something. Trump isn't my first choice in 2024 and he isn't our President now. You're making f***ing excuses instead of calling this what it was, un-presidential, inexcusable, and inappropriate. Call it wrong or shut the f*** up. When you say, "But Trump," what I hear is I won't call the unacceptable unacceptable anymore. But, in essence, you're admitting it was unacceptable. You're just okay with it when someone other than Trump does it about Trump or Trump supporters.

Whose idea was it to attack half of Americans like that? Conservative pundit Jesse Kelly reports it was Joe's idea. Do you believe him? I do. As reported by Michael Goodwin in an excellent piece in the NY Post this morning, Biden's aides tried to talk Joe out of making this divisive speech, but he pulled rank. This was the message he wanted to deliver. And he delivered it alright.

Just remember: It was Joe's idea. So I'm going to wear my new hat. People seem to like it, anyway. Let's go Brandon. FJB!

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Why Am I "MAGA"? What MAGA Means To Me - 9/3/2022

Since 2016 I've been called a lot of names. The most recent are semi-fascist, a threat to our democracy, and a threat to the soul of our nation. Why? Because simply I'm a part of the MAGA crowd. What does MAGA mean to me, and why is it important enough to me to claim to be a part of it in the face of such direct criticism?

A threat to our country?
First and foremost, to me MAGA means putting the USA first. Our interests: social, economic, geopolitical, medical, natural resources, food, militarily, environment, climate, and every other single thing thing else, without any exception, the policy of the US government should FIRST ensure our needs and best interests are its highest priority before ANY foreign entity's interests.

Second, MAGA means put the USA's citizens over everyone else. That doesn't mean deport, arrest, demean, vilify, or do any other bad thing to someone who's not a citizen. It means protect the interests of citizens first and primarily before we look after the welfare of non-citizens. I am especially and very specifically referring to non-citizens who are here illegally as I type this.

MAGA means not only that the government needs to get out of the way of US businesses as they try to produce, and in doing so make the livelihood of their employees and shareholders better and more financially lucrative, it means the going further than that. It means the government ought to be facilitating improved productivity and ensuring American businesses and workers are advantaged verses our foreign competition. Foreign business are our competition. It is a competition. It is us or them, a choice. I choose us.

MAGA means reducing crime by whatever and every means necessary. Non-citizens here illegally who commit violent crimes ought to be deported directly and promptly after they have finished their punishment in prison without exceptions. There should be no release onto US soil or transition back into free US society at all. Ship em home right away. Non-citizens here legally should have their US residency status reviewed and potentially face deportation depending on the crime they're convicted of. US citizens should be given every opportunity for rehabilitation, and if they're beyond rehabilitation, then separated from society permanently in a way that prevents future threats to society.

MAGA means protecting the sovereignty of the US by protecting and managing our border. Immigration is extremely important and beneficial to the USA. Illegal immigration is a total failure of the US government and an embarrassment. Fix it.

MAGA to me means opportunity and justice should be color blind. Rather than race, color, or religion factoring into which opportunities we are afforded or denied, the priorities ought to be 1) US citizens, 2) foreigners here legally, 3) otherwise law-abiding foreigners here illegally who have formally applied for legal residency status. 4) nobody else.

MAGA means ensuring that the US Constitution as written and originally intended is the supreme law of the land. It is a living document ONLY in that there is a process for amending it, NOT in that it can be interpreted differently with the passage of time because the winds of public opinion have blown in some weird or new direction.

MAGA means my rights are given by God and NOT by the US government, and that I believe the US government is prohibited by the US Constitution from trampling those rights.

MAGA means rooting out and eliminating the Deep State, the 4th branch, the un-elected bureaucrats in D.C. who wield way, way, way too much power and who proved during the Trump Presidency to believe their stature has a supremacy and supercedes that of the three branches established by the US Constitution.,

MAGA means I love the USA. I love our imperfect history, our founding documents, our flag, our way of life. I love freedom, patriotism, and I will speak out against policies, statements, or opinions that seem to me to be to the detriment of the long-term safety, security, and prosperity of the USA.

MAGA does not mean I'm a Republican. I used to be, but these days I can't stand most of them pricks. I like some of them, but not most of them. MAGA does mean I'm not a Democrat, though. In my opinion Democratic Party leaders act in ways contrary to a whole bunch of the stuff I wrote above that's important to me.

MAGA does not mean that President Donald J Trump is my deity, infallible, perfect, or anything else. I applaud him for having the guts to make putting the USA first out there in the face of so many who have so consistently sold us out. I will vote for him again if he is the nominee, but he is NOT my preference or first choice.

MAGA does not mean I hate anyone based on their race, creed, or color.

MAGA does not mean I am a fascist. The hell with the prick and his spokesperson who both said that earlier this week.

MAGA does not mean I am a threat to the very soul of our democracy. We're a Constitutional Republic, by the way, not a democracy.

MAGA does not mean I am violent or prone to violence, political or otherwise. Yes, I will take up arms to protect he USA from our enemies, foreign and domestic.

MAGA does not mean that I am an extremist. If you think any of the stuff I wrote above is extremist, fascist, racist, etc., maybe you ought to re-evaluate your own beliefs and opinions. Of maybe you should just go fuck yourself.

Friday, September 2, 2022

President Biden is Setting the Stage for Violence - 9/2/2022

I am afraid that dangerous times lie ahead. President Joe Biden's words last night, and his attacks on political opposition, not just Donald Trump, which I would find perfectly acceptable, but against all MAGA Republicans, is unprecedented and dangerous. He calls MAGA "extremism that threatens the very foundation of our Republic." He said "MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution," "they promote authoritarian leaders and they fan the flames of political violence." Yesterday he tweeted that "Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans are a threat to the very soul of this country."

Wait a minute! I thought the election wasn't stolen?

Who's threatening our Republic?

Who's fanning the flames violence? Show me specifically.

Who's using threatening rhetoric, Joe?
It wasn't a one-off or tongue slip. This is their message.
I believe he is inviting groups like Antifa to take matters into their own hands, justifying violence against anyone who wants to Make America Great Again. People will act out. He is inciting inviting and encouraging it. He seems to be willing it to happen.

I worry that some people who are as offended and angry as I am will act out against his words. I hope not, but his words are that chilling, that dangerous.

Lastly, I worry that this indicates that he may think the government has to move against us, as we are a threat to the country.

His words are chilling and dangerous. He is setting the stage for violence, and it is unprecedented in our history.

President Biden last night escalated the rhetoric to a very dangerous place last night. What's worse is I scrolled and scrolled social media last night looking at the reaction. People on the left agree with him. He is trying to incite them to embolden violence against us, he is trying to incite us (so we can be squashed by the might of the US government). He is fanning the flames of a second Civil War. He is dangerous.

Luckily, not all people agree with him, but far, far too many do.

At least I'm not the only one who found it chilling.

No shit it does.
 I will close with this: if you are a Democrat, or even if you're not, and you think this message by Biden was spot on, and that we are a threat because we don't accept the results of the election, etc., I want to know... Did you have "Resist" on your social media profile, or on a protest sign to show you refused to accept Donald Trump as President? Did you proclaim, that Trump is "Not my President"? It's the same thing, whether you want to hear it or not.

Whoever did this meme heard what I heard.

Thursday, September 1, 2022

You Are What Your Record Says You Are - 9/1/2022

I love the USA. I love the USA more than I love Trump. I voted for him, but I won't say that I 'love' him. I love the USA way more than I do the GOP. Honestly, I barely tolerate the GOP. I will vote for the Republican in 2022 and 2024. Which means I will vote for Trump in 2024 if he's the GOP nominee. He is not my first choice.

Even as Trump isn't my first choice, I am MAGA. What does that mean to me? It means I believe US policy should put US security, prosperity, and welfare above and before all else. It means I believe take care of America, the USA first. America first. I believe in the US Constitution. Is it perfect? Probably not. But the US Constitution establishes the USA as a republic, and it delineates our freedoms, freedoms not given by the government, freedoms that belong to me, freedoms that the government is prohibited from infringing upon. Hell yeah I love the USA. Hell yeah I believe in the importance and supremacy of the US Constitution. Hell yeah I'm MAGA.

Biden jumps the shark.
This week, the worst President in my lifetime has taken to calling me a fascist. His spokesperson doubled down and did likewise. In the same tradition of Hillary Clinton famously calling us racist, homophobe, xenophobe, etc., our President has chosen to attack the portion of the population that opposes him and his hair-brained policies. Why?

First, I guess because I no longer trust the leadership at the DOJ, FBI, CIA, DOD, IRS, and all the other agencies in D.C. Again and again they prove to me to be guided by a political compass rather than a moral one. Further, they seem to me to arrogantly presume to know what's best for the USA and disregard those of us, anyone who don't share their opinions.

Second, because I understand and recognize that people had doubts and concern, even grave concern, over the conduct of the 2020 election. I support the right of the people to protest peacefully, to express those concerns, and their reasonable worries about the conduct of the 2020 General Election. I do not condone violent protest, nor do I excuse breaking and entering of the Capitol Building. On the other hand, I do have doubts about the Jan 6th Committee, the role of the FBI and Capitol Police leading up to and on January 6th. So, I do not excuse it. But it was not an armed insurrection and no police were killed by protesters. President Biden is either lying about that, or as is entirely possible, he is just reading the script. If that's the case, shame on us for electing or installing a puppet, and fuck you to whoever is writing the script.

I'm not a goddamned fascist. That rhetoric is divisive. It is incendiary to the point of dangerousness. The fact that I disagree with the Biden Administration on many, many issues, and am willing to say so isn't fascism. The fact that I never believed that Roe V Wade was properly ruled and that abortion is and was a constitutional right doesn't make me a fascist, doesn't make me a rights trampler of some kind. Even Justice Ruth Bader-Ginsburg said it was a flawed ruling. Pro-Choice vs Pro-Life is a legitimate debate. Calling abortion constitutionally protected is dumbasssery of the highest order. It ain't in there and the fact that it ain't doesn't make those of us who can read fascist. Wanting voter ID isn't fascist. Saying Black people are too stupid, unfortunate, and helpless to get an ID is racist though. Wanting immigration managed, controlled, and monitored isn't fascist. Fix the goddamned immigration laws and Customs and Border Patrol. I don't hate immigrants. I do hate the people in D.C. who are making us an open borders joke to sovereign nations everywhere. That doesn't make me a fascist.

Let me tell you why they're after Trump right now and why President Biden, his spokesperson, and so many on the left are calling us MAGA folk fascist, dangerous, and all the rest. It's because the President is really, really bad at his job and the 2022 mid-terms have the potential to be disastrous to Democrats. Approval numbers on immigration, the economy, foreign policy, energy policy, and a long list of other issues are in the tank. Sure, the core lefty woke progressives like an America in decline and a Biden Administration that's pliable to their USA-hating desires, but regular people can see a failing administration with their own eyes, hear it with their own ears, and feel it every time they buy groceries or fill up the tank. Democratic strategists are stuck. Nowhere else to turn.

So they're turning against us. That's the strategy. They can't run on accomplishments they don't have. A majority of Americans believe in a USA in which self reliance and opportunity to achieve are there for everyone. That belief is being twisted to be some kind of rights trampling fascism. It's all they've got. The only tool they have is a hammer. All they can do is call us a nail and hammer away. Hammer those fascist nails! Hammer away! Don't let them speak! They're liable to talk about the inflation and the economy, immigration, the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle, 87,000 IRS agents coming after the middle class and small business owners. They're liable to talk about all kinds of stuff! Quick, vilify them, color them evil, threaten them with F-15s!

Legendary football coach Bill Parcells once famously said, "You are what your record says you are." That is exactly what I say to President Biden, Presidential Spokesperson Jean-Pierre, the leftists wokesters, press, and everyone else over there. You are what your record says you are. And for those like minded in opposition like myself, don't let them flip this narrative. Let's keep it to what it is: Biden's record. It is abysmal. Because he is abysmal. He is what his record say he is. Don't let his name-calling and incendiary insults distract us from taking matters in hand in the mid-terms and in 2024. He is what he is, and it ain't good.