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Monday, August 5, 2024

Every Time I Think I Couldn't Possibly Hate Them More - 8/5/2024

I hear Jamie Raskin, a Democrat Congressman from Maryland, talk about a possible Trump election today. Referring to U.S. Constitution, Article 25, Section 3, which makes someone who participates in an insurrection ineligible, Raskin says it will be up to Congress on Jan 6th, 2025 to declare Donald Trump ineligible. He refers to "the Trump mob" and starting "a Civil War".

Raskin is Ready to Start a Civil War

Tough Talk from a Douchebag.
I swear, every time I hear assholes like Raskin, three things happen. First, I hate the left more than before. Second, I wonder, how my friends on the left support assholes like Raskin, and third, how dare Raskin and his kind lecture me about democracy. 

Let's review:

They tried to bankrupt Trump in the courts.

They have and are trying to put Trump in jail.

The ignored 15,000,000 Democrat voters and removed the nominee by threat of the 25th Amendment.

They installed a candidate who nobody voted for for President anywhere.

And now, if Trump wins, bring on the Trump mob and Civil War, because we in Congress will take him out on Jan 5, 2025.

Mr. Raskin, go fuck yourself.



  1. a civil war and a world War, they got us where they want us.

  2. My sentiments exactly.

  3. It's like everything they do, just say shit and people that want to believe will believe it, whether it's true or not. They speak and, as far as they are concerned, the damage is said and done.
