I realize we're in a culture war, and that character assassination of candidates and their associates is the rule of the day. I do. I get it. But, I gotta tell you, it's nothing more than a sideshow. I don't care if Doug Emhoff fucked the nanny during his first marriage. I don't care if Joe Biden married his kid's nanny nor if Kamala fellated Willie Brown as a way to get a head. (see what I did there?)
Likewise, people calling Kamala Harris a "DEI hire" are missing an opportunity. But just like talking about who her husband used to fool around with, it's a fools errand to make that the focal point of your argument against Vice President Harris. And for what it's worth, she's half Asian (Indian), and she's half Black (Jamaican). The fact that she chameleons her way back and forth between the two based on her audience for political reasons doesn't have a thing to do with her competence or leadership abilities.
It's been two weeks since she took the forefront as the presumptive Democratic Party Nominee.
She has done no meaningful interviews with any journalists, and when she does, I am quite confident it will ONLY be with absolute friendlies. There will be fluff questions and softballs tee'd up for her, but no difficult, probing questions that expose her EXTREME lack of depth, foolish and unworkable proposals, and laughable flip-flopping now for votes.
She was installed as the nominee without a primary process because Joe Biden's incapacitation due to dementia was exposed. (How in the hell is he still President? YGBSM!)
Donald Trump, if he can set aside the nastiness like he did when he exposed Biden's dementia, will also expose her. And they know it and she knows it. That's why this phony bullshit narrative about the debate is being pushed by Harris' people. I saw headlines from NYT, WaPo and others claiming Trump is backing out of a debate with her. That's a lie and they know it.
Donald Trump had agreed to debate Joe Biden. Joe Biden dropped out of the race due to the dementia that Harris was and is party to covering up and keeping from the American people. He never agreed to debate Kamala Harris. Her repeated instances of meaningless word salad being posited as profound won't work in a debate with Trump. Let's review the bidding:
1. The Border and Immigration. They're right when they say she wasn't the Border Czar. You know why? Because she still is the Border Czar. Show me where the responsibilities were removed and assigned to someone else. The border is an absolute embarrassment and a disaster. It is Joe Biden and Kamala Harris' fault.
2. Foreign Policy. The only person I could imagine being weaker than Joe Biden on foreign policy as President would be Kamala Harris. She'll be a disaster. Unmitigated. Total.
3. The Economy. Harris comes across to me as a socialist/communist type when it comes to the economy. She's a California liberal, progressive leftist, race baiting disaster waiting to happen. If you think the inflation was bad under Joe Biden, just wait. Kamala Harris will bring California fuel prices to the rest of us. Watch the devastating ripple effect through our economy.
4. The Joe Biden Cover-Up. Kamala Harris knows and has known we have a mostly incapacitated geriatric with rapidly advancing dementia. He is NOT capable of his duties in diplomacy, as Commander in Chief, or anything else. We are being ruled by committee, an unelected, anonymous committee. Kamala Harris knows this and was unwilling to step up and initiate a 25th Amendment removal, as specified in the US Constitution.
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Nobody, not one single person, is more responsible for hiding Joe Biden's incapacitation due to dementia from the American people than Kamala Harris. |
All things considered, I hate to say it, but as bad as I think she'll be for our country, I think she could win. Democrats don't care about any of this stuff. They hate Trump. The media will enable her to say nothing about anything and everything and paint her as some kind of savior leader, none of which is close to the truth. But she ain't Trump, and folks who've gotten fat sucking the teat of propaganda misinformation and disinformation from our press aren't inclined to think critically for themselves.
Addendum: I saw this after I blogged. It's worth watching and in line with my own thoughts:
It's not a "could win", she will win. Trump is a Convict, and she's playing that, she is making the "project 2025" a Trump project. The MAJORITY of voters are die hard Democrats, Never Trumpers, or gullible Independents (those that listen to what the likes of ABC, NBC, CBS, and CNN. NPR is on steroids as well).