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Saturday, August 10, 2024

It Could Happen Sooner Than You Think - 8/10/2024

I have a hunch, I'll stop just short of a prediction, but no doubt this is what I expect to happen. Sometime around September 15th, maybe as late as October 15th, sooner than later in that window, President Joe Biden will resign for health reasons.

President Harris? It could happen sooner than you think.
He probably ought to have done so already based on his failed mental capacity, but that would have forced Vice President Harris to engage the press and American people meaningfully as President in ways that would expose who she is and what she is like, and they can't let that happen. A person who couldn't win over the voters in her own state in the 2020 Presidential Primary isn't going to win over America if she engages us forthrightly and directly. So for now, letting her hide in plain sight is her best way to victory moving forward.

But by mid-September, some of her honeymoon bounce in the polls may or will have receded a bit, and making her the first woman, and woman of color no less, to be President will energize her supporters.

I am not saying Joe will do this willingly, but he will do it. Heck, he didn't drop from the race willingly in the first place, but he did it. They'll pressure him about Hunter, or the 25th Amendment (again), or something else, and he'll do it to save face or his son's ass or maybe his own ass.

How likely my hunch is right? I'd say it's something more than a 50%, but less than a 75% likelihood. The nameless people who are really running our country in Joe Biden's cognitive absence will do anything to avoid a second Trump presidency.

Sep. 15-Oct. 15. President Harris. Mark it down.


  1. I still can't believe Dems aren't up in arms having no say in who will represent the Party. The princess has been coronation queen. I still think the DNC is a potential boiling point

  2. They simply are not going to let him win the election. Been saying it since the beginning.

  3. If you are one of America’s enemies, you want this to happen. You don’t want to create an October Surprise that could upset the polls and drive people to vote for Trump. Much easier to implement your plans with Kamala and Walz in the White House than either Trump or even Biden.
