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Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Tampon Tim's Stolen Valor - 8/7/2024

I served for 11 years in the U.S. Marines, almost 9 of them on Active Duty, and a couple more with the Marine Corps Reserve. I joined in 1978, and I left my reserve unit in 1990 when a change in my civilian employment necessitated a cross country move.

Many times in the 34 years hence I have had to correct someone who incorrectly assumed I was a Vietnam Vet. "No, I came in after that." Other times I've been asked, "Were you in Vietnam?" I've also been asked about the Gulf War, Desert Shield and Desert Storm. "No, I left my reserve unit right before it started." I thought there was a good chance, since my separation was real recent at the time that I'd be recalled to duty, but I wasn't.

Because I had done more than a single 4 year enlistment, I've had some people, even guys I served with, assume I am a USMC retiree. "You have a retired ID, right?" I don't, I'm not. In one of life's unfortunate twists and turns, the geographic move in 1990 was the end of my service, and I didn't earn the title, USMC (ret'd).

I would never pretend to be either of those things. I am not a combat vet, I am not a retiree. I served honorably and I am very proud of the 11 good years I spent. The friendships still today are meaningful than many others in my life,  and certainly more numerous than any in the other 56 years.

J.D. Vance served in the Marine Corps. Unlike me, he legitimately served in a combat zone. He was a Combat Correspondent and he WAS deployed in a combat zone. Every Marine is a basic rifleman, and J.D. Vance served in a combat zone. That rings all the bells of legitimacy I need to hear. He's not out there pretending to have been a grunt or a recon Marine, but he out there proudly professing to be what he is and was, a USMC veteran who served in a combat zone.

Anyone who pretends to be those things who wasn't has severe integrity problems. I remember a UPS Manager, his name is irrelevant, who tried to pass himself off to me as a US Army special operator type. None of what he was telling me sounded legit, and sure enough it wasn't. He rose well above me in the organization, but I never respected him, trusted him, or let myself get close to him personally as a friend. I have too many friends who are all the things he pretended to be, and I have too much respect, admiration, and fondness for my friends to tolerate some asshole like him lying about being one of them.

Tampon Tim Walz, seen here wearing a camouflaged Special Forces cap. Some Special Forces folks havew noticed the cap. I was never Army Special Forces. I wouldn't wear it.
Tim Walz is another asshole stolen valor guy. I don't give two shits that he served in the Guard. That was a great thing right up till the minute he claimed he carried weapons of war in a war when the truth was he bolted from his unit when the war came to pass. You can make excuses for the motherfucker till the cows come home, but just like the UPS big shot I mentioned before, there's nothing you can do to make me respect his service now that he lied and passed himself off (many times, NOT a slip of the tongue) as a combat vet when he wasn't. You can make lame explanations, as lame as saying that someone with XY chromosomes is a woman (trust the science my ass!), but Tampon Tim is still a stolen valor guy, and that boxer? She's still a he.


1 comment:

  1. Doesn't matter, he's not Trump and in the eyes of many voters that's a plus.
