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Monday, August 22, 2022

Trumpism, the GOP, and Matty P - 8/22/2022

There has been a lot of angst among members of the Republican Party over what Donald Trump did to it. I read the Wall Street Journal, and they've been particularly critical of Trump and Trump supporters, I guess because we're not being pragmatic and supporting traditional GOP type candidates in favor of Trump endorsed interlopers who would dare to challenge those same traditional GOP types. We're handing things to Democrats by not choosing the practical candidate from the GOP establishment in favor of someone who wants to overturn the GOP apple cart.

Before I go further, I have no idea why Trump endorsed Dr Oz. To me it was a terrible choice and I'm not a Trump mind-numbed robot. I'm not in PA, but if I were I probably wouldn't vote for him, either. So Trump endorsements don't control my choices. Back to that "GOP apple cart".

I'm not a Mitch McConnell fan. Not even a little bit.
Trump didn't steal me from the GOP. Let's get that straight. In 2014 I left the GOP before Trump came on the scene. At that point I was completely fed up with and tired of Mitch McConnell and the others like him. I did not believe they cared a bit about me, that they represented me, or that they were loyal to us as a GOP voting block. They were and still are sellouts as far as I am concerned. I might have tolerated same, but I got sick and tired of their weak feigned support of Conservative principals. They let progressives, liberals, and Democrats have far too many wins, and more importantly, far too many easy wins. They didn't fight for me. I never felt they did. I felt they fought for their own financial enrichment, period. So I left the GOP and became an independent. I figured 'let them see me as a swing voter'. Let them campaign for my support. Let them work for my vote.

Trump came along in 2015 and in 2016 I came back to the GOP to support Trump. I didn't come back because I was any more enamored with Mitch or Ryan or any of them. I came back to support Trump, who I believed and still believe represented me better and who I believe loves our country more than either of the two conniving establishments do.

So when the WSJ and establishment Republicans try to understand why I and others like me aren't lining up behind their choices for the GOP, which are 100% continuation of the establishment and a repudiation of Trumpism, I can only say my vote wasn't yours to begin with. Trump brought me and millions of others to the GOP to support him. He didn't bring us, nor am I here, to support your tired line of bullshit and your weak-asssed efforts where you pretend to support me, but to see you time and again cave in to the left and march to the orders issued by your owner donors.

We aren't divided because of Trump. We got Trump because we were so divided.
It's not Trump and Trumpism that is causing weakness and division. It is you, the establishment Republicans, who are shooing us toward the door because we won't sing along with the songs in your tainted hymnals. Figure out why we came in when Trump came along. Show us with actions first, words next, that you want to Make America Great Again and that you will put America First. Show us that you will fight the left's progressivism like relentless rabid attack dogs. That's not who your military industrial and pharmaceutical masters are telling you to be? Well, choose. It's them or us. I won't support you if you choose them. My vote isn't in your hip pocket. You can bet your ass it's not.


  1. Yip, just about sums it up, MP!

  2. yes, Yes & YES!!!

  3. We are a "two party" political system. I believe any vote that is not against a democrat is pro democrat period. They can come across as a moderate, make you believe they are middle of the road, but in the end, they will support the democrats and vote for the democrat policies. The problem we have is that conservatives can't support themselves.
