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Here's Joe Biden shaking hands with an imaginary friend. |
Joe Biden is beyond out to lunch. At this point nobody's even pretending he's running the show: not his press surrogates, not his Vice President, and not his supporters. As I ponder what all that means, a few thoughts:
Our enemies know Joe is gonzo. Out, not to lunch, but out for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and midnight snacks. He's the stereotypical daddy who went out for a pack of cigarettes one evening who never came back. And he ain't never coming back. Russia knows this. China knows this. Iran knows this. Everyone knows it. This is a dangerous time. From now until inauguration day, the mischievous and malevolent may find it an opportune time to act out. All of this because Democrats were able to rally enough hatred of Donald Trump that they put a guy who it was obvious to me, and to anyone else awake with eyes and ears, was hiding steep decline from the public in 2019 and 2020 by campaigning from his basement. Trump Derangement Syndrome got us a Cognitively Impaired President. H.R. McMaster wrote a piece for The Free Press this a.m. that explores the international implications of Biden, Trump, and Harris. It's worth the few minutes it'll take to read it. I'll link it at the end of this short piece.
Vice President Kamala Harris covered up and continues to cover up President Biden's incapacitation, exacerbating the dangers posed both foreign and domestic. She owns this cover up. She's often "the last person in the room". She knew. She knows. This makes her derelict in her responsibility to our nation to uphold the U.S. Constitution, and to protect our country from all enemies, foreign and domestic. I don't give two shits what anyone says, there is NO SPACE between Kamala Harris and Joe Biden's cognitive impairment. Not a single ray of light can pass though there, she's pressed up so tight to it. We have an incapacitated President and Vice President Harris is a key engineer in covering it up to hide it from the American people, to her own political fortune. Very convenient that she got the nomination without campaigning, without winning a single Presidential Primary vote, without a single press conference.
The last and most unnerving issue I have with the current incapacitated Biden situation, is about who is running the country, and what it means. Before I go there, let me say this: if you are clinging to the belief at this point that Biden is in charge, you are about as stupid and gullible as stupid can be. I mean, look up stupid in yur dictionary, and it will tell you to go look in the mirror. Joe Biden ain't in charge of shit. A cabal of unelected, anonymous, unaccountable Democrat oligarchs are pulling the strings. These same oligarchs posited Harris as the undemocratically selected nominee so they can continue uninterrupted in power. Being anonymous and unelected, they are immune from accountability and consequences for their failures and misdeeds. Before the June debate in which Biden was exposed and Democrats were forced to stop pretending he is OK, I remember a Democrat on X telling me, all sassy and smart alec-like, "We don't elect a person, we elect an Administration". The fuck we do!
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