I don't know what will happen tomorrow. I have a hunch, but I am not sure. My hunch? Donald Trump will behave himself for the most part and Kamala Harris will fare poorly. I'd say it's more than wishful thinking. For the last couple of months, Trump has been ad-libbing at rallies, appearing at many locations, and done many long form interviews with all manner and sort of podcaster and on a variety of news television shows. This, in addition to working with his debate prep team, which includes Tulsi Gabbard, will have him ready to articulate responses on any number of topics. All Trump has to do, and indeed this is a tall order for him, is to keep his cool and make his attacks calmly, politely, and professionally. I hope that Tulsi is helping him in this regard.
For Kamala Harris, we'll see if utilizing the Biden strategy of hiding in the basement and hoping Trump self-destructs pays off. I don't think the basement strategy is going to be productive for her tomorrow night. Imagine thinking appearing in public is your liability AND thinking you'd make a good President of the United States. That's insane.
Tomorrow the debate is on. We'll see, won't we?
The latest polling should be discouraging for Kamala Harris and her supporters. Her election strategy of not taking interviews and of not publishing proposed policies won't help her prepare for Trump. For Harris, that's the bad news.
The good news, as it relates to the debate and polling, is to me it doesn't seem like there are many voters whose preference will swing based on this debate. Most of the electorate is already baked in.
This, too, we shall see.
Last thoughts for this morning:
Warmongers Dick and Liz Cheney say they are voting for Kamala Harris. Peaceniks Tulsi Gabbard, RFK Jr., and Nicole Shanahan, on the other hand, are supporting Trump. If you can't see that there's a big political realignment going on, you're not paying attention.
If migrants in Springfield, Ohio are really grabbing up geese and ducks at local parks for their supper, and even worse, grabbing up people's house pets for the barbecue (I hope this is not true, I have seen pics of a guy carrying a dead goose, but not cats), it's not going to help Kamala none. I read that Springfield had a population of 60,000 and has had an influx of 20,000 migrants. How in the hell does any municipality handle a 33% increase in population in such a short timespan?